How to prevent cancer

  • Eat Organic food
  • Be cautious about synthetic hormone replacement
  • Drink lot of pure filtered water, I start the day with 400ml of lukewarm water mixed with 2 teaspoons of baking soda
  • Avoid genetically modified foods
  • Avoid Gluten rich foods
  • Avoid deep fried foods
  • Restrict milk and milk products
  • Avoid alcohol and smoking
  • Avoid MSG / Fructose / Sugar / Artificial sweeteners and colouring agents
  • Eat lot of raw foods which contains living enzymes
  • High quality protein is good
  • Avoid caged Chicken
  • Avoid meat from animals slaughtered in large quantity, because it may contain residual hormones
  • Acidity / lack of sleep / constipation and stress plays a major role in the development of cancer
  • Avoid processed and ready to eat food products
  • Avoid food products which contains Flavour enhancer and vegetable oil as an ingredient
  • Exercise five times a week in an open ground